Fall is getting cooler and pretty much all the colored leaves are gone
now. Last weekend I took my last chance to see the fall colors with some
friends. I will definitely miss the fall. Next time I think I will go earlier in the fall because I
think it would look fantastic up there. Even with the weather changing, I
hope to keep going on adventures somehow.
This week's adventure was
Halloween! At work I had a ton of fun carving pumpkins and playing different games with the kids. I even let them mummify me with toilet paper on our Halloween dress up day. One class only wrapped it around my head so I couldn't breathe. I meowed at them like I was an upset cat and they thought it was hilarious, so they kept wrapping my head and covering my breathing hole. I love my preschoolers.
On Halloween, I hung out with friends and handed out candy with the
Bishop's granddaughter. The next day we had a ward Halloween party, so one of my friends gave my cat costume a makeover. It's been years since I
straightened my hair, so many people didn't recognize me at first. I loved it! Check out the pictures below.
And by the way, I've lost now lost 27 pounds since I started my health plan. I finally fit back into the dress pants that I wore to job interviews after I graduated college. I also fit into the red formal dress that I have. I now just need to wear it some where! :) Those were my two goals when I started this health plan. Woohoo! I'd love to lose a few more, but if not, I hope to at least maintain the healthy habits I've developed these past 7 1/2 months. Despite being in a baking mood recently, I've managed to maintain it so far. Homemade pies, cookies, and ice cream... it's too hard to resist. :)