Monday, September 1, 2008

My Brother's Mission Call Came!!

I know most everyone that would even be remotely interested in reading this already knows this, but my baby brother Ryan finally received his mission call to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida and he reports on November 12. I am very excited for him!! Here is his mission page so people can keep tabs on what he is doing.

As for me, I am starting my last year at BYU tomorrow and I am pretty excited. I have wonderful, fun roommates and a great ward. I will be very busy this semester (14.5 credits, mentoring, and a busy new calling), but I feel the vibes that it is going to be a good one. :)

1 comment:

Tamster said...

So what's the busy new calling? RS Pres?

And what's the mentoring thing?

Sounds like you had fun in Nauvoo. Sorry I haven't been commenting; I am playing catch-up!

Congrats to Ryan!!! :-)