Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Apartment 21 Ain't Big Enough...

For three princesses...

And, of course, the greatest one inherits the crown!

These are most of my roommates and what we were for Halloween-Princess, Miss Scarlet, Little Red Riding Hood, Cowgirl (or Jessie from Toy Story, someone said that to me), and 80's girl.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Protect Traditional Marriage

In March 2000, over 61% of California voters approved a state law providing that "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California." However, because this language was not put into the constitution, the California Supreme Court recently reversed this vote of the people.

On November 4, 2008, Proposition 8 will give California voters the power to reverse the court's decision by restoring the definition of marriage as between a man and a woman in the state constitution.

A YES vote on Proposition 8 would:
-Restore the definition of marriage to what a vast majority of Californians already approved and human history has understood marriage to be-between a man and a woman.
-Overturn the decision of four activist Supreme Court judges who ignored the will of the people
-Protect our children from being taught in public schools that "same-sex marriage" is the same as traditional marriage.
- Would NOT take away any rights from gay and lesbian domestic partners.

A NO vote on Proposition 8 would:
-Destroy the sanctity of marriage and it's powerful influence on the betterment of society.
-Marriage would be nothing more than a contractual agreement between adults, "Party A" and "Party B."
-No longer would the interests of children and family be considered. The ideal family would no longer be a child being raised by a father and a mother.
-Teachers would be required to teach in health education classes for children as young as kindergarteners that there is no difference between gay marriage and traditional marriage.
-Tax-exempt status of churches against same-sex marriage may be taken away
-Increased intolerance of churches and people who support traditional marriage.
-And many other incredible implications for the future of families, society, and the world.

I believe that marriage between a man and a women is ordained of God, and that the formation of families is central to God's plan for His children. I also believe that children are entitled to be born within this bond of marriage. My major is Marriage, Family, Human Development. Marriages and families today are being challenged on many sides. The relationships formed within marriages and families are the most important, and sometimes the most difficult, relationships to maintain. The greatest happiness is only found within marriages and families that are striving toward the ideal and doing the very best they can to live according the the principles that have been taught by living prophets and in the scriptures.

For more information on Proposition 8, look at

Please, vote YES on Proposition 8.

I watched the broadcast by Elder Ballard and Elder Cook and the things that said really impressed me and made me want to become more involved in this campaign. The only problem is that there is only so much I can do from Utah. However, there is a group on campus that is calling all the students from California to encourage them to register to vote absentee. I will probably help them do that because I feel like I need to do something because this means so much to me and, probably, my future. I know most everyone who reads this blog is family, but I am doing all I can to follow the counsel of my leaders!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Missing EFY and Easy Decisions

It's that time again. Right now I am having the hardest time NOT applying to work EFY again next summer. I love working EFY. I've done it for the past three summers. It has helped me grow in more ways than I can count and I have learned so much from those I worked with. I love teaching the gospel and getting to know the youth who go to EFY with desires to increase their testimonies. I truely was a missionary to those kids. I made so many memories and friends that I can't help but want to make more. Yet, I stop myself short of applying again for many reasons. One is that after a conversation wtih my brother Steven, I realized that if I want to date and get married, I have to get out of my comfort zone and do things that I haven't done before or do things differently.
When I work EFY, I really don't have that much of a social life believe it or not. It's complicated to explain, but even while working with other YSA like me, I still don't really date during the summers. I'm always so focused on helping the youth during the week and then I sleep on the weekends. I have become friends with lots of guys, but nothing more.
The second reason is because I feel like I need to start earning enough money to start supporting myself. I will graduate in April and will no longer be covered by my parents, so I need to get a job where I might have benefits and be paid more. (EFY is about $2.47 an hour when you figure that it is almost 19 hour day, six and a half days a week job.) I've thought about being a Building Counselor that works more weeks and is paid more, which would be different in a way, but it still would be socially in the same situation. I just don't know. EFY would be the easy thing for me to do because I love it and it's not terribly challenging for me. BUT...
So, needless to say, I need more options of what I can do for work after I graduate. Maybe those who read this will think of some things. I've thought about working at an adolescent treatment center and try to become a seminary teacher. To be a seminary teacher I have to take some training classes that are very competive. I am thinking to do that next fall, but no matter what I will need to find some work that I will enjoy as well as earn money to save. I don't have a car, so that poses a problem, too, but I could save money for a bus pass. I would like to stay in Utah because I like the potential dating opportunities that are here. I heard about something called Teach For America today that was really appealling, but doing that requires a two year committment, living in another state, and a car, unless I do it in New York City. I'm posting all this with hopes that anyone who reads this can give me some more ideas!