Sunday, December 14, 2014

He is the Gift – Christmas Video – #ShareTheGift

I rewatched this video this morning and it made me start thinking.

We have two holidays, one that focuses on His birth and a few months later one that focuses on His death and resurrection. I think that it important that we personally don't only focus on those things. What happened between his birth and death (and resurrection) are what we should really remember and celebrate during both these holidays. That is the Gift we are to share with others during the holidays and all year round.

To me, Christmas is a time to recommit to living a Christ-like life, specifically to pray for and recognize (and take) opportunities that are all around me to serve others, even in small ways. I do what I can and improve what I can without being hard on myself about my weaknesses. Christ was born, lived, died, and lived again that I can have HOPE and FAITH in Him to help me become all that I can become. THAT is the spirit of Christmas. I want to EMBRACE and SHARE the gift He has given me.

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