Happy Birthday to me!! Yes, I am officially getting old, but I'm not old yet (I had to say that before someone commented on that fact). I'm not bragging, but I'm still pretty young and limber. Okay, so not THAT limber, but enough to say that that is why I decided to go to the tumbling gym with some of my friends! Before going, I spent the afternoon after class making my favorite whole wheat cinnamon rolls. Sorry, I didn't take a picture for all you starving readers of mine!
That night me and nine others went to the tumbling gym in Provo. It was so much fun!! I felt like a little kid again and I didn't care who saw me. I was happy and having a blast. The tumbling gym had lots of spring floors like are used by gymnasts to do the floor routine. They also had some trampolines and a hug pit full of square foam pieces. There was a rope that you could swim into the pit or you could jump into it from a trampoline. That was my favorite part of the gym. We had fun throwing foam pieces at each other, especially when we were jumping in. When you jumped in, the foam kind of sinks you in and it is really hard to get out. I got buried in it and eventually learned some tricks to get out of the pit quickly so others could jump in. Another part of the gym was a room with a blow up hamster wheel type of thing. I will post a picture of it. We could run on it like a hamster or we could sit inside of it and be flipped around. It felt like a roller coaster's flip, but over and over. I loved it. It was funny because I was screaming and laughing just like I do on rides. I kind of wished Amanda were there with me because she does the same thing. The other part of the gym had trampolines, runways, and cushions to land on. For a while we watched Troy Taylor (one of my Home Teachers) do back flips and try to teach John Mahler how to do a back flip. That was pretty funny.
After the tumbling gym, we all came back to my apartment for cinnamon rolls and ice cream and we just talked. I could tell I was in a really good mood because I was saying some pretty funny things. For example, two of my roommates have a huge obsession with two of the main actors in Prince Caspian. When someone saw that we had the movie, they said something about it and I said that they currently had an obsession with it. When one of the guys guessed it might the cute boys, I knew I was in trouble (since one of those roommates likes another one of the guys that was there) so I covered it up by saying that it really was Aslan they were obsessed with. I went off saying that I had a hug poster in my room and tons of stuffed lions on my bed and that I had a lion under my bed (along with everything else). By then they knew I was kidding, but it was a pretty funny cover up. I didn't care how foolish I sounded though. I know that this post doesn't sound like I'm any wiser than I was last year, but I assure you that I am! :)
How fun! I wish I could have been there, as well. But then, I KNOW that I am NOT as limber as I used to be because I AM OLD!!! ;-)
Glad you had fun! :0)
I'm limber, I'm limber...but I'm also old and tired, so I may or may not have just sunk into the foam and taken a nap.
OFF topic...I LOVE the chosen. I haven't found his later works nearly as profound. something I learned later was that the silence of the father was a literary device, not a religious practice...I could discuss that book for hours, after I had the nap in the foam ofcourse.
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