Sunday, February 6, 2011


I am grateful to be surrounded by such amazing and incredible people. My roommates are my best friends and the members of my ward never cease to amaze me with their testimonies and good examples of the Savior. Whenever I go to the place where I will be moving to in April, I think that I will be fine and happy there, but whenever I come back to my current apartment and spend time with my friends here, I realize how much I will really miss being around them. I will never forget them. So many individuals have changed my life for the better and I can never express enough gratitude to them for that. This move is going to be one of the hardest things I've ever done. Most of the time I am fine, but there are moments that I am just overcome with love for the people here that I don't know how I can leave them. There is one particular person that I will miss associating with the most, although I'm sure that person doesn't know how much they have influenced me and changed my life. I promise to tell them before I leave. I don't think I could leave without doing that much. :D

I guess I am scared to move and have to start completely over again. For the first time in 7 years I will be the new girl in the ward and not the other way around. I hated my first 7 months here because I didn't know anyone and I have a terrible time in big groups of people that I don't know. I get super anxious and just want to leave. Nauvoo Pageant helped me with that some, but I still have a difficult time with changes. I know nothing about the new ward I'll be going to. I could go and check it out, but I think that would only made it worse for me right now. I want to finish my time in this ward out right and not feel torn between two places more than I already am. Besides, I think it would be better for me to go the new ward the first time know that I'm there for good and don't have a choice about staying there or going back to my "home" ward. This place really has become my home. That is why it's so hard to leave. Some may be asking, "Then why are you leaving? Are you sure it's right?" YES. I'm sure.

This scripture has been a long time favorite of mine for many reasons, but it gives special comfort to me right now:
2 Nephi 31:19
And now, my beloved brethren, after ye have gotten into this strait and narrow apath, I would ask if all is bdone? Behold, I say unto you, Nay; for ye have not come thus far save it were by the word of Christ with unshaken cfaith in him, drelying wholly upon the merits of him who is mighty to esave.

It's true. And that is why I know that I will make it through this just fine and things will work out for my good and I will continue to be happy.

I am also grateful for the opportunity I had to bear my testimony in sacrament meeting this morning and the opportunity to watch the church movie The Testaments and afterward bear testimony to a non-member of the love that Christ has for each of us. It was a great reminder to me of how much God loves me and is with me, guiding me each step of the way. He will always be there for me to support me through every trial I will ever face. I will forever be grateful for that.

1 comment:

Flamel said...

We will all miss you too. But I intend to continue enjoying having you around for as long as I can.