My current life, in a nutshell.
My uncle thought I was crazy taking pictures with a roast. |
Finally beginning to use the apron that I bought last Dec. |
This one SCREAMS Martha Stewart, doesn't it? |
The other day as I drove my grandma to a doctor's appointment, my grandma asked me if I felt like I was a mom. I didn't hesitate to answer yes, I actually do. Her asking that made me realize how much of what I am doing really is just like a mom would do. This past month or so has required me to make many adjustments and personal sacrifices for my grandma's care. It's hard work, especially when I'm already worn out from my full-time job. I feel like things are beginning to settle as I have almost figured out all of my routine responsibilities I now have. I say almost only because it seems like everyday brings something new, and with my grandma's health only declining, I'm sure in the future there WILL be more I will have to do for her.
I want to give you an idea of what I do everyday. Granted, I can't possibly say everything that I do and it's most likely that all this may seem like not much to anyone else.
Wake up between 6 and 6:30 AM.
Wake up grandma around 6:40/ 7 AM to take medicine.
7:30 AM Wake grandma again. Ask what she wants to eat and make it. Put on either ted hose or ace wrap on her legs. Unplug phones and put them by her chair so she can reach them.
8 AM-4:30 PM Working with preschoolers. While I'm at work, I've arranged for someone to come at lunchtime to help grandma make lunch and remember to take her medicines. During the day, on different days, she has a shower aide come, physical therapists, and a home health nurse come to check on her and help her. They call me if they have questions or concerns. I'm kind of the coordinator and work very closely with the nurse to make sure grandma has all her needs met.
4:45/Evening Get mail. Make dinner and give her meds. Help grandma with whatever she might need.
Clean kitchen, bathrooms, do laundry (mine or hers), vacuum. Some nights I have YSA activities at 7 pm that I go to, so I don't have much time to do what I need to do, if I go.
About 10 PM Take off her ted hose, wash them (remember to hang dry them). Plug in phones.Turn off lights and TV if Grandma is going to sleep. She sleeps in the TV room chair now.
I take off a little bit of work whenever she needs to go to the doctor. I deposit her checks in the bank and get things we both need at the store. The good thing is that I'm gaining a lot of experience that will help me be an awesome cook and most importantly, an awesome mom! In fact, I made some A-MAZ-ING enchiladas on Friday for my grandma's 80th birthday. Tonight I made roast with onions, carrots, and potatoes.
Because I've had so little time for myself lately, I've started listening to audiobooks in my car. My car is MY TIME. I love it! I haven't had much of a social life, but I'm hoping to continue making tweeks to my routine to allow for that, too. I know I need a break, BADLY. Fortunately, this coming week is spring break. I'm not sure what I will do, but whatever it is, it will be what I need to get myself happy and fill my cup again. Today filled my cup quite a bit, which felt SO good. :)
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