Monday, March 21, 2011

If it weren't for the great hiking...

... I would really rather keep the CA plates. But alas, I must move on and accept the fact that I am now a Utah resident and have to show it on my beautiful dream car. I want make it clear, though, I am not a Utahan. I am still a California girl and always will be. I hate the cold! But with that said, I'm not ashamed to be called a Molly Mormon. :D


Unknown said...

SAD DAY for sure. By the way, what's that stuff all over the back of your car. Oh yeah! DIRT!!

Unknown said...

I knew you'd notice that... I will wash it after I move, I promise. I just don't have money to take it to the wash and haven't had time to do it myself.

Flamel said...

The Utah plate does look nicer, except for the big "UTAH" on it.

Dave Kelly said...

You could always move back to CA.