Saturday, May 7, 2011

New Love

I woke up this morning and had one of my super duper waffles (peanut butter, banana, syrup). I knew it was going to be a great day. I think spring is FINALLY  here! I know it's supposed to rain for the next couple of days, but today was absolutely BEAUTIFUL!! I was outside from about 10 AM to 4 PM and I absolutely loved every second of it! I sat reading on the front porch swing for a while, but stopped reading because I was so distracted by seeing all the pollen floating in the breeze everywhere. It looked like it was snowing, but it definitely wasn't.

My grandma and I took a walk together, as we've been doing almost everyday this week. She is feeling pretty good. She is able to walk the half a mile route we have made up. I was planning to go explore some hiking trails I found pretty much in my backyard, but instead I decided to join the neighbors in doing some yard work.

The neighbor across the street has helped Grandma with caring for her lawn and gardening, so I went there and asked them to help me figure out the sprinkler system and the garden. I've always wanted to have my own garden. Because I lived in an apartment, I resorted to have an indoor plant, but now that I've moved here, I can cultivate and add to the garden grandma has. She has a lot of places to garden, so I'm excited!! The neighbor (Sis. Robbin) said that she will come by Tuesday or Wednesday of next week to help me figure out what are weeds and what are actually plants or flowers.

Today I spent the whole afternoon cutting off all the dead flowers and cleaning up all the dead things all around the front yard. There is too much to do in the backyard, so it will have to be another day. But I managed to fill up almost an entire garbage can with all the dead stuff. Anyone looking at it might not think much of the garden, but it looks a lot better than it did. Grandma has LOTS of rose bushes and when they start to grow out again it will look really awesome. I am looking forward to planting some more perennials and keeping it all looking really nice.

The ironic thing is that when I was little, I didn't enjoy doing the yard work very much, but many times today I thought about those family yard work days and really appreciated the memories and being taught how to work. Grandma has one fern bush in her front yard that when I trimmed and smelled it, it brought back memories of trimming the fern bushes at home when I was younger.

So, if you haven't already guessed, my new love is gardening!!

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