Sunday, November 20, 2011


A speaker at church today said that she refuses to set up Christmas decorations before Thanksgiving because she wants to remember Thanksgiving. At first, I laughed and looked at a couple of my friends who have already started decorating for Christmas and listening to Christmas music like I have. I also kind of got a little defensive because she made it sound like it was a HORRIBLE thing to start decorating for Christmas before Thanksgiving. Of course, it's not a horrible thing and it's just her personal opinion. The point she was trying to make is that Thanksgiving is an important holiday, too, and shouldn't be passed over.

I assure you, I haven't forgotten Thanksgiving.

I'm trying to be more thankful or express gratitude all year round, just like I try to give service to people all year round and not just at Christmastime. However, the speaker gave me a good idea. Thanksgiving can be a day that I express thanks to specific people--a special thing and not just a general "I'm thankful for... " that we sometimes say before we eat Thanksgiving dinner.

To me, Thanksgiving and Christmas go hand-in-hand because they are both all about being with my family-enjoying them and showing my love and appreciation for them. It's also a time for me to show my love and appreciation for my family and friends in a little different way than I normally do. I am not a huge gift giver, so it really is a special or significant thing for me to show my love in this way once a year.

This time of year is when I am the most happy. There are just so many things that I love about this time of year, it was hard to postpone putting up decorations to start feeling that holiday spirit myself even if no one else is. Plus, decorating early has brought me some really fun reactions from people, and that has only added to my happiness.

I am SUPER excited to go home on Wednesday to visit my family!! I'm helping Amanda with her college application to BYU. It's weird to think she will most likely be out here next year going to college. I am excited for her to start her own new adventure!

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