Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Living the Dream

I'm living the dream, and this is why:

I graduated from BYU.
I have an amazing family that taught me the gospel and loves me and supports me.
I live with my some of my best friends, Savannah and Lynnae
I have a job as a preschool teacher where I play with, nurture, and teach cute children and where I feel respected, trusted, and supported by my co-workers
I live only 40 minutes from the largest family history center in the world
I live only 5 minutes driving time and 20 minutes walking time from a temple
I have a testimony of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, the Book of Mormon, Jesus Christ as my Savior and Redeemer, and Heavenly Father loving me.
I am in good health
I participated in the Nauvoo Pageant, which changed my life, and plan to apply again
I love my calling as Relief Society secretary
I have the most amazing ward family
I have many amazing guy friends who care for me and support me and are willing to listen
I have a roof over my head and nice bed to sleep in
I planted a flower and water it everyday
I am anxiously engaged in many good causes including serving others, building up food storage, putting together my Mitchell grandparents histories, scrapbooking highlights of my life, saving money, striving to become self-reliant (to live a happy and productive life), learning how to cook new things and organizing my personal cookbook, etc
I have a working car
I do laundry at my grandma's house and visit with her at the same time
I am more beautiful than my 12-year-old mind imagined I would be
I live in Provo, UT where I have access to many service and educational opportunities
I live close to the mountains where I can go hiking to see beautiful waterfalls and other things of God's creation
I live close to many national and state parks that are just waiting to be camped in and/or explored
I have time to read good books
My apartment has a huge bathroom where all of my roommates and I can get ready at the same time
I'm going to Disneyland with my younger brother when he gets back from his mission in November.
I'm becoming the adopted big sister in the Douglas family that I met through the Nauvoo Pageant.
I have a bright and exciting future ahead of me!


The Throckmortons said...

This is an awesome list!!! What a wonderful life you have! It's something everyone should do including myself. I think its easy to forget how blessed we are at times.

Katie said...

"I am more beautiful than my 12-year-old mind imagined I would be" I love this. You ARE beautiful!!!