Saturday, September 25, 2010

Spontaneous Bridal Veil Falls Hike

A friend came by this afternoon wanting to go on a stress relieving hike. He wanted to go up Slate Canyon, but after sending many texts for this short notice hike, only a few people could come. Slate canyon is a tough hike and we were going to probably end up hiking back in the dark if we left any later. It turned out that my friend decided that he was going to wait for a couple people and wanted me and two other girls to go on ahead. He said he was going to have us hike up to the Y to the start of the trail at the top and he was going to go a different way and meet us there. He wasn't even sure if the trail he was taking went to the top, but he wanted to try it anyway. That was all I needed to hear to tell him that we girls were going to go on our own hike! I don't really like the Y hike trail, so why would I do it if we weren't all going together and he might not even meet us there? That's absurd! So, I had the grand idea of hiking Bridal Veil again. It was a fantastic choice. It was as beautiful as ever. Waterfalls + Fall-colored trees= Michelle's very happy.

It was a beautiful hike: short, but sweet. It felt good to be in God's creations and feel the mist of the waterfall. It's so peaceful and majestic. It isn't one we can climb around and explore, but it was still fun to take pictures and enjoy the moments away from home. It was the perfect end to a week that started off pretty stressful. I am feeling at peace again. It is all thanks to prayer, a priesthood blessing, the temple, amazing and supportive friends, and Heavenly Father's love for me.

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