Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I got a dollar! Hey, hey, hey!

Yesterday one of the kids was riding a bike with a trailer on the back loaded with balls. He yelled, "Anyone want to buy a ball?" I asked him how much they were and he said, "A dollar." I thought for a moment, then pulled out a bright green sticky notepad I had in my apron. I pulled one off and gave it to him and he gave me a ball from out of his trailer. As he left, he shouted, "Anybody want a dollar?" Soon, other kids came up to me asking me for a dollar, so I gave each of them a sticky note. Today, the kids somehow remembered what happened yesterday, so they asked me for dollars again. I asked him how many dollars they wanted and one said 60 dollars. I said I didn't have that much money. She then said 9 dollars. Nope. Six dollars. Nope. Three dollars. Okay, I could do that. That same girl took a dollar and wrote on it using her pre-writing skills to make a sign that according to her said that she was selling balls. She wrote on the sticky note and proceeded to stick it to the front of her bike. I love these moments! Sometimes you just have to go with it and laugh, so that is exactly what I do. :D

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