Saturday, September 3, 2011

Phase One Complete

Yesterday I completed phase one of receiving my new tooth! Fortunately, I survived the sedation part... I was a little nervous about that. It turned out to be very nice. I didn't get loopy or anything like that and I didn't feel too weird afterward.

The great news is that the dentist was able to put in the bone graft AND the implant post all in one shot. There was a chance that there wouldn't be enough existing bone for him to put the post in, but there was! The other good news is that he put in a temporary fake tooth there so I don't have to wear my retainer! Right now it there are stitches wrapped around the fake tooth and the teeth beside it, so it looks like something from Frankenstein or something. My jaw/chin is a bit sore. I iced it all afternoon yesterday. For 48 hours I am to take it easy so it doesn't bleed, so what am I doing? Watching Chuck, of course! I watched all of season one yesterday...

I don't feel like I can really chew foods right now, so I'm having to work around that. Yesterday it hurt to even open my mouth all the way to talk, but today it is a little better. It's a holiday on Monday, so it will be nice to have an extra day to recover before going back to school/work.

I have an appointment in two weeks where he will most likely remove the stitches. After that I will have check up appointments until the dentist believes it is healed enough to get the crown put on by my regular dentist. That procedure isn't bad, so I probably won't be sedated. I have to wait four months before I get the crown, most likely, so sometime between December and February, I will finally have a tooth there again!

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