Monday, October 11, 2010

A Proposal and A Happy Nerd

Here's something I randomly thought yesterday when I was nerd-ing out about church history while talking to some friends in the ward:

If a guy that I'm dating (in the future, seeing as I am currently very single) proposes to me with a prairie diamond ring from Nauvoo, I would be in heaven and love him even more than I would already. Of course, I'd want a real ring after, but if he asks me with a prairie diamond ring... oh man! I can't even contain myself just thinking about it. Let's just say it would make my nerd very happy. :D

Oh, and FYI, I have 4 of them, so if he's never been to Nauvoo, he could have my roommates steal one of mine for a little bit.... Just a hint... two of them are currently on my dresser.


Savannah said...

HAHAHA!!! Michelle, I love your nerd. As for the proposal idea - duly noted. ;-)

Lynnae Jackson said...

Noted here, too. :) We will make sure that all potential proposers are made aware of this fact.