Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Orange in Me

Recently my work had each of it's employee fill out a personality survey that they would use during the closing social. The closing social was yesterday and it was a lot of fun. It's funny how I feel like I understand myself a little better after all of this. Let me explain. There are four colors: gold, blue, green, and orange, that represent four different personality characteristics. After we found out what color we each were, they gave us a huge packet that explained all of these in detail and how they interact.

When I arrived at the social, I had to look for my name at the picnic tables that were covered with colored construction paper. I found my name at the blue table. I then found my co-teacher's name on the same table, which I very much expected because we are so much alike... which I will prove later. I then received a small blue card with all the colors and percentages that say how much I am of each of those colors. Here's how mine turned out:
Orange: 18%
Gold: 30%
Blue: 36%
Green 16%

Most of the employees were gold (70+), then blue (40+), then orange (20+), then green (10).

My co-teacher (named Laura) was exactly the same as mine except Orange was 14% and Gold was 34%. We weren't that surprised and it makes perfect sense to me.

Here is what it means to be Blue: (I wish I could copy and paste here, but here it goes)

I need to feel unique and authentic (enthusiastic, sympathetic, personal)
I look for meaning and significance in my life (warm, communicative, compassionate)
I need to contribute, to encourage, and to care (idealistic, spiritual, sincere)
I am a natural romantic, a poet, and a nurturer

Joys: Romance, hugs, acceptance, helping others, sharing
Needs: Understanding, security, sensitivity, support
Strengths: Communication, optimism, compassion, giving
Frustrations: Disharmony, injustice, conflict, disorder
Values: Honesty, friendship, trust, faith, empathy

Blues are intuitive feeling people and above all, must be authentic.
Words and phrases that describe them:
Search for self, purpose in life is to have a purpose in life, strive to be in harmony with inner self, making a difference in the world, devoted to relationships, spiritual, romanticize their experiences, interested in people watching, sees possibilities in people, cultivates potential in others, sensitive emotional, affectionate, eternal commitment to love, warm, caring, compassionate, romantic, creative, likes to please, affirming, expressive, caretaker, idealistic, empathetic

Others may see Blues as over-emotional, too trusting, mushy, smothering, hopelessly naive, talks too much, easily duped, flaky, aloof

I know this post is forever long, but I'm enjoying this....

Now for Gold (Here you will see how I am a lot like Gold, too):
I follow the rules and respect authority (loyal, dependable, prepared)
I have a sense of what is right and what is wrong in life (thorough, sensible, punctual)
I need to be useful and to belong (faithful, stable, organized)
I value home, family, and tradition (caring, concerned, concrete)
I am a natural preserver, a good citizen, and helpful.

Joys: Home, order, tidy, organized, achievement
Needs: Stability, consistency, order, respect
Strengths: loyal, structured, reliable, responsible
Frustrations: inefficiency, slobs, procrastinators, change, lack of control
Values: punctuality, family, quality, honesty

Golds are sensory judging people and above all, they must be of service.

Words and phrases that best describe Golds:
Useful, no free loaders, strong work ethic, parental attitude, compelled to be bound and obligated, should be rules, be prepared, list maker, responsible, organized, detail oriented, hates wasting time, right and wrong, commitments, questions change, traditional, dependable, punctual, schedules, predictable, loves to plan, service oriented, values family traditions, helpful and trustworthy, conservative and stable, never breaks speed limit, strives for sense of security, there is a right way to do everything, strong belief in policies, procedures, rules, tends to be left-brained and analytical, value order and the status quo, firm, decisive, realistic, executive type, stubborn, opinionated, uptight, limited, controlling, judgmental.

I definitely feel like I am more Blue than Gold, but Gold sure identifies me in a lot of ways, too!

Now for Orange. Oranges and Blues don't get along very well and Gold and Oranges are even worse. It wasn't surprising to me to find out that certain people I've worked with were oranges... However, I do have bits and pieces of orange attributes, which inspired the title of my current post. Now that I've aroused your curiosity, here is the description of orange. The items in bold I think describe me.

I act on a moment's notice (witty, charming, spontaneous)
I consider life a game, here and now
I need fun, variety, stimulation, and excitement (optimistic, eager, bold)
I value skill, resourcefulness, and courage (physical, immediate, fraternal)
I am a natural troubleshooter, a performer, a competitor.

Joys: people, adventure, thrills, life, success
Needs: freedom, expression, challenge, stimulation
Strengths: independence, humor, adaptable, leaders
Frustrations: interruptions, deadlines, criticism, nagging, lies
Values: integrity, optimism, risk taking, interaction

Oranges are sensory perceptive people and above all, they must be free to act.
Words and phrases that characterize them: test the limits, free spirit, great in a crisis, needs variations, loves tools, endurance, boldness, exciting, light-hearted, full of fun, performer and entertainer, waiting is psychological death, do it now, today is today, only temporarily defeated, spontaneous relationships, clutter is acceptable, sharing, flexible, adaptable, care free, proficient, curious, eclectic, enjoys life, do many things at once, spontaneous, irresponsible, flaky, scattered, not serious, indecisive, manipulative, uncontrollable, disobeys rules, takes risks, adventurous, courageous.

Now, finally for Green (just to get an idea of it):
Greens are intuitive thinking people and above all, they must be competent
Words and phrases to describe Greens: Love of intelligence, stores wisdom, obsessed to learn, can never know enough, need for control, qualified, sees the big picture, must understand objects and events, individualist, believes things are obvious to all, speculates on others' motivations, often too abstract for others, often oblivious to others' emotions, thinks through relationships carefully, intellectual, 98% right, seeking justice, under control, calm, afraid to open up, able to find flaws, creative, aloof, weird, unappreciative, efficient.

Congrats if you are actually still reading this ridiculously long post! The whole motivation for writing all this was just to say that the orange in me was a little disappointed today. My previous roommates had planned a very fun hiking trip to explore lava tubes this morning and I found out when I got there (at 7:30 AM) that it was canceled because one of them was really sick the night before. I went to bed early last night and I didn't read my email, so I didn't get the message that it was canceled. So, I woke up at 6 AM, so excited to go exploring on a grand adventure with my best friends, and then... poof! It's not happening. Well, that excitement and craving to explore just doesn't go away, especially if the weather is absolutely PERFECT for it. So, I explored a little around Pleasant Grove's dam/reservoir and found a trailhead that I want to try when I have people with me. I know better than to go hiking alone! That's the Gold in me, for ya! I finally got to washing my car (just so it would rain again, of course) and now I'm just relaxing on the front porch enjoying life.

Life really is good... my ward and stake are being changed finally as part of the whole Utah wide changes of YSA wards being put into YSA stakes. I'm really excited for what the changes might bring. I have great friends here and I am excited to make more. I've recently have gotten to know a family that really makes me feel like they are my home away from home. I'm grateful for that. Speaking of my family, my brother is coming to Utah with his wife next weekend!!! I'm very excited for that!! LIFE IS GOOD!


Savannah said...

GUILT! GUILT! I'm so sorry I got sick. I'll tell the germs in my body to suck it up and go die in a hole. :)
No, really... sorry about not getting the message to you in time. And now I'm curious about that little spot in your area...

Unknown said...

It wasn't meant to be a guilt trip... but whatever. It may be the same one we did at the end of last year that was more steep than I expected, but I don't know... that's why I want to check it out.

The Throckmortons said...

Haha Im most definetly an orange. I love things like that though they are fun :)

*sorry posted one then deleted it cause it didn't log into right account :)