Sunday, June 19, 2011

Two More Weeks!

Just two more weeks and I will be in Nauvoo and a part of the Nauvoo Pageant again!! I am very excited to be a missionary again this summer. It is a dream come true in more ways than one! The closer it gets, the more I feel that this will be another amazing experience for me. I am humbled that I was accepted to be a part of the cast this year. I feel that, like last year, I was only accepted because someone that will be there will need me there. If it is at all like last year, I will probably meet someone there that I need, too. Just sitting here thinking about it gets me emotional. I love Nauvoo. I never thought that I would ever have the opportunity to go to Nauvoo so many times (this will be my fifth time). Each time I've gone, I've had a distinct purpose for being there, and usually it involved being there for others. It's the same way for everyone that comes to Nauvoo, I think. It was amazing to hear the stories of pageant cast members and pageant audience members of how they came to be in Nauvoo at that moment. Often it was by the inspiration of the spirit and through much sacrifice. These past two years have taught me much about faith and sacrifice. It's funny how great experiences are often prefaced with great adversity. Okay, it's not so funny, but I can honestly say that it's worth it. I'm still going through the hard times, but I can already see a light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak. Being reminded this weekend of the feelings I had being a part of the pageant last year and reminded of the things I learned from that experience have really boosted my spirits and given me greater hope and strength to keep moving forward with faith just like the early saints did. Nauvoo has and always will have a special place in my heart. "Nothing can erase what Nauvoo has given us." It's very true. It is a sacred place to me because of the sacred-like experiences there have refined my character over and over again. It's just so hard for me to believe that I will be going there again to have another experience. I hope I am prepared. I want to serve and perform and testify with all my heart and hopefully I will touch the life of at least one person while I am there this time. I'm not going there for me, I'm going there for someone else. Every sacrifice is worth it to feel the way I do about Nauvoo and all that it and all the people who once lived there have taught me. I am grateful that Heavenly Father has blessed me so much so far in my life and I know He is watching out for me and will continue to bless me.

Click the link before to see the official invitation to the pageant this summer and the 10 minute preview of the pageant. And if you haven't already, write it down somewhere that you will go to Nauvoo in the near future. I recommend you go to see that pageant. :D

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