Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Performing this week!

 I am very excited for my Blue cast. They are performing this week! We had a dress rehearsal last night and they did fantastic! Granted, I was backstage and didn't see it. I will get to see them on Thursday and Friday when I am one of the kid catchers sitting up front in case a kids runs off the stage, or falls off. It's happened... From the comments I heard, they did amazing and I am not suprised. They worked so hard and have learned their parts so well. I plan to record my favorite parts of the pageant as they perform it, so you can see it. It is truly an incredible pageant.

Last week I decided to be bold and ask the costuming people if I could wear a costume at the country fair. They said yes, but for some reason it was up for debate and so I wasn't sure if I could keep it. I haven't heard so far that I can't keep it, so I will be wearing it again tonight and I am pretty excited. I am going to put some pictures of things I'm doing and if I have time I will caption them. In just a bit I will be going to do a session in the Nauvoo temple. I am VERY excited about this!!!! Because my cast is performing this week, I have freetime during the day to see the sites and rest. Yesterday I did the tour of the sites owned by the Community of Christ. I found it very ironic that I had to pay three dollars to have a tour of Joseph Smith's homes when if he were here, he would have welcomed all of us in, showed us around and even fed us and all for free. The tour person even said that they welcomed everyone to there home. It just made me kind of sad and wonder what Joseph would think about that.

Enjoy the pictures!!

Stone Arched Bridge, just south on the highway about 1/4 mile of Nauvoo. A scene of the Joseph Smith movie was filmed here. I know why... It's beautiful!

Kids LOVE catching little frogs and fireflies. They are really easy to catch and fun to hold.

Two of the core cast got food poisoning the night before this, one plays Parley and the other plays George Fordham who is supposed to be in this scene where he asks the prophet to tell the story of the first vision. Here is little brother David, the blonde one in front, did his lines for him and I thought this was the cutest picture ever.Another funny story is there is a scene where two little kids get stuck in the mud and Joseph pulls them out. One day at rehearsal, Jeff, who plays Joseph, said his line to the kids wrong and kept doing it until he just said something like it. Then, he changed a line. He is supposed to say, "Don't mind the mud, we all get stuck sometimes," but he changed it to "Don't mind the lines, we all forget them sometimes." It was very funny.

This is a powerful scene of the martydom. Joseph and Hyrum walk off the stage together side by side. At the performance, the whole stage is dark except for a spot light on them that follows them as they walk off the side ramp into the audience then the light leaves them. It is very powerful.

My former roommate Annette Miles is serving a mission this summer in the Nauvoo Brass Band and I saw her while visiting the sites. 

Back stage of the show just before it is starting. You can see the metal piece of the temple that they eventual put cloth on and put up.

Finale scene, also very powerful. I can't put it into words you have to come and see it for yourself!

 Easton, Kate, and Lauren backstage with us between scenes they are in. They are my favorites... I have lots of them here.

View of puppet show. I won't be doing this this week, but I did last week. This week I will go around talking to people doing missionary work!!

Easton needed naps during morning rehearsal so I held him and watched. One time he fell asleep with a chocolate in his mouth and got it all over my shirt sleeve. We pulled most of it out, but when he woke up, he ended up eating the rest of it. 

All the kids and family support after an amazing time playing water games at the high school.

My district family, the Chapples. I help them do their hair in the evenings. They've kind of adopted me these two weeks.

I had to take this picture... it's a classic.

We got our dresses!!

The other family that adopted me, the Buckners. Br. Buckner was a session director of EFY that I had. The oldest son is missing in this picture, so we will take another one. They are lots of fun. I feel like the boys are like my brothers, we tease each other  so much.

Backstage view of the show.

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