This family is was assigned the puppet show. They do the show while we hand out sock puppets to the kids, beads that they get at each activity, and talk to people who come. During the show, when the kids hear workers, the dogs, or Mom and Dad, they say certain things. It's really cute. They love the show and it is fun to see the kids get the puppets. The puppets my ward made were handed out last night and they loved them!
Mariane, Joclyn, Aubri, and I are the Family Support crew for the Blue Cast. Blue cast is in Nauvoo for two weeks. The first week they are rehearsing, the second week they perform in the show. The first week they also are doing the activities in the Frontier Country Fair, which is a bunch of preshow activities such as a puppet show, dance, cart racing, and other things.
I finally got to see the pageant. It was amazing!! Even better than I thought it would be. I get to see it every night this week because my cast is not performing. Next week I will be back stage. The thing that stood out to me last night was that families are eternal. It seems that most of the pageant, if not all, is centered around families. In the "welcome dance" families make up their own family dance. I have adopted a family that is in my district and I learned their dance with them yesterday when I rehearsed with them. It was really fun. I also helped the girls do their hair before the show. They went on stage for the finale.
After the show I went around and talked to audience members. It was amazing to look around and see so many cast members talking to people, even the kids. It was eaiser to talk to people and bear testimony after the show because they are all so impressed by it. I ended up only talking to members, but I gave them all referral cards and many said they could think of someone who might want a musical cd of the pageant. I am excited to talk to more people tonight.
The weather is okay right now. It started raining a bit during the show last night, but I think enough of us were praying for it to stop that it did. I met one woman yesterday who thought the pageant was last week and when it wasn't, she and her five kids camped out for a week to see the show. It was amazing! She was so excited to see the show. I don't think anyone comes here without paying the price of sacrifice, even those of us in the cast. Everyone here is here for a purpose. The cast is already feeling like family, like Zion. That feeling can't be descibed except to those who have experienced it before. In Nauvoo, I always feel the spirit of Zion with those who I am with. I love it!!
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