Why I love where I live....
My dad got the new imovie.... it rocks!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Yeah... I just finished watching an enormous Chuck marathon... and it was AWESOME. I'm now caught up and super excited to watch the new episode in January. You know you're addicted to a TV show when you see your nephew running through the kitchen singing the Scooby-Doo theme song being giddy and laughing ridiculously and having it remind you of what you were doing only minutes earlier but with the soundtrack of Chuck.... yeah.... I may or may not have been caught dancing to the intro of Chuck... At least I know my family loves me. :D
Merry Christmas!!!!
Merry Christmas!!!!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Good Day
You know it's going to be a good day when hours of watching the TV show Chuck is on my TO DO list.
Let it rain! Let it rain! Let it rain!
Let it rain! Let it rain! Let it rain!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Ahhhhh!!! Yikes!
I honestly have never been so stressed over Christmas break before! I have so much to do. I really don't like being an adult sometimes. I've said that at least a dozen times today. Ahhhh!!!! This is scary, really, really scary! Yes, I get a big pay check, but big purchases and big responsibility make things really stressful and scary! It's even worse when I see my family struggling financially as well. I think I am going crazy! I really hope I don't regret what I did today... It will all be okay.... I just have to keep reminding myself of that. But for now, I have to take one step at a time and just do what I have to do. How's that for a Merry Christmas?? LOL
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Full Time Job!
About half an hour before going to work this morning, I got a phone call from Head Start asking if I would accept a full-time position in the Provo 2 classroom, which is a Homebase program. WOW! Yes!! I was only hesitant because this year with Patti, the teacher in my current class, has been so good for me. I've learned so much and have had so much fun. Patti is just amazing. She has so many great ideas and I already told her, even before being offered this position, that she would most likely become a sort of library person I go to for ideas and things. I will really miss working with her! But most of all, I will miss working with the kids. I love them to death and I am really sad that I won't be able to see them finish the year. Here are just some of the crazy cute kids I have:
The main reason why I am really excited about getting hired full time is that I will now have insurance and be on salary! That means I can afford to live! I can hopefully get my teeth fixed and really save money to replace my car and computer. But what I am really grateful for is that I will have enough money for sure to do the Nauvoo Pageant again if they decide that I am needed there again next summer. THAT is a great blessing.
So, tomorrow is my last day with the kids in Provo 7. I'm not teaching this week, so I can just play with them, which is great!
I'm leaving again for CA on Friday afternoon!!! I'll be home for Christmas!!!
Aren't they just adorable? Although I am really sad about leaving them, I am excited to gain some new experience doing Homebase. Homebase is where the kids come twice a week and the other days I go to their houses and do activities with them there. I don't know much more than that at this point, but this Thursday I will meet with the teacher and learn all about it since I will have to jump right in when I get back in January. I will be over 10 kids and be responsible for all the paperwork, just like the teacher is, so I wonder if this is a kind of test to see if I can eventually be a teacher?? Maybe... It will be different, but fun. I already know the other teacher and I'm sure it will be just as fun as being with Patti.
So, tomorrow is my last day with the kids in Provo 7. I'm not teaching this week, so I can just play with them, which is great!
I'm leaving again for CA on Friday afternoon!!! I'll be home for Christmas!!!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
It's A Wonderful Life!
I forget how much I love this movie until I watch it again. I LOVE this movie! "No man is a failure who has friends." It's so very true, and I sometimes have to be reminded of that. Life can get pretty rough and many times those rough times prevent us from reaching some of our deepest desires and goals. Yet, everything always works out for the best and even when things turn out way different than we imagined, it's usually much better. I sometimes feel A LOT like George Bailey. Watching the movie again each year always makes me wonder what the world would be like without me. I think about my friends and people I've associated with and wonder if I've really made that big of a difference in their lives. I'm sure if I had a guardian angel come down (hopefully it would be someone like Clarence, I love him to pieces) and did what Clarence did for George, I'd be just as shocked as George was. My life really is wonderful. I am grateful for my family and for my amazing roommates. I love them very much.
It's a record!
I am officially finished with this semester's roommate slide show. When did I start it? TODAY! I've NEVER started and finished (meaning burned onto DVDs) the slide show in one day before. It only took me about 6 to 8 hours. That may seem like a long time to you, but it's really not, at least compared to how long it's taken me to make other slide shows. The great thing is that I think that it is just as good as other slide shows I've made. I think part of the reason why it took less time is because I thought of a "theme" for it at the beginning of the semester and a few weeks back I did some things that made it so today all I had to do was put it all together. The music was pretty straight forward as well, so it was awesome!
In other news... remember my bachelor button flower? I just about killed it over Thanksgiving vacation, but with a little miracle grow, there are now FOUR flower buds on it!!! I'm super excited to see them open up! One of my amaryllis flowers is growing really well while the other one is... well, not seeming to grow very much at all. I wonder if I rotted the roots or something. At least one of them is alive and well!!
I am also very grateful that I developed the habit of having and maintaining a savings account. This past week I've had use it (much to my dismay) but it has given me peace of mind to know that I have money in savings (and still have it) to draw on in desperate situations.
In other news... remember my bachelor button flower? I just about killed it over Thanksgiving vacation, but with a little miracle grow, there are now FOUR flower buds on it!!! I'm super excited to see them open up! One of my amaryllis flowers is growing really well while the other one is... well, not seeming to grow very much at all. I wonder if I rotted the roots or something. At least one of them is alive and well!!
I am also very grateful that I developed the habit of having and maintaining a savings account. This past week I've had use it (much to my dismay) but it has given me peace of mind to know that I have money in savings (and still have it) to draw on in desperate situations.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
One Year Older and Wiser, too!
Last Sunday I turned the big 25. I used to think that was old, but now that I'm here, I see that it's really not that old at all. When I think about all that I've done this past year, I truly believe that I'm not just one year older, I'm wiser, too. I am grateful for the many opportunities and experiences I've had this year that have helped me to grow and be changed forever. A guy in my ward told me multiple times on my birthday that just by looking at me, he knew that this is going to be my year and that good things will happen. I believe it! I really feel that I'm am on the right track and I can expect great things to happen this next year. I think he was referring to dating and getting married, so if that happens, I'd be happy with that, too!
It's really okay that I'm not married right now. When I was a teenager, I always thought I wanted to be married by age 21. When I think about all that I've done, the people I've met and helped, the experiences I've had that have helped me to grow, I am actually grateful that I didn't get married then. I never wanted to have to lug kids around while going to school, so it's a great blessing I didn't have that worry while in college. I am better than the kind of woman I imagined I wanted to be and I know I can only get better from here. I have lots of goals and things I want to do and I feel like I'm living the dream. Life is exciting and interesting. I have so much I can do and am taking the steps I need to so I can accomplish those things. Of course, I want to get married and have my own family. Everyday as I work as a preschool teacher I wish that I had my own kids to do those activities with them. But, I don't, and it's okay. Everyday I'm learning new ways to work with kids and things to do with them that will make me one of the best moms in the whole world! You just wait for it! Right now I have no dating prospects, but I'm being the best me and I know I will meet some amazing guy who will love that.
I learned a few years ago that it's important to have a Plan B, with Plan A being getting married and having a family. Currently I'm living Plan B and I love life and am excited about the future. I'm basically doing three things: Improving my relationship with my Heavenly Father, Getting all the education I can, and Putting myself in the position to meet my future companion. Of course I have specific things in each of these areas that I am working on that are way too personal and lengthy to put onto a blog.
I guess my point of writing all this is to say, "Yeah, I'm 25! So what?" Although, when someone does ask my age, it will be kind of fun to say things like, "It's a multiple of 5," or some really outrageous age that you know isn't right. Once I'm 30 I think I will truly lie about my age... maybe.
My birthday was great! It's kind of funny that I felt like I'd never had one before just because of how special I felt. My roommate Savannah made a really yummy ham dinner for me. My brother Kevin gave me a dozen roses, but not just any roses, FIRECRACKER roses. They are my favorite. So between dinner and presents/dessert, we went to the outer darkness of the parking lot and lit half of them. I want to save some for later. :D At ward prayer, the whole ward sang happy birthday to me accompanied by Matt Pace who plays the song in a really fun way. I was really looking forward to that part of my day, actually. After ward prayer, I invited friends over to play the game called Curses. It's a lot of fun. Overall, my day was amazing. It was even better when people guessed my age and thought I was 21 or 22. I'm I immature or do I just look young? Maybe both at times. :D
Oh, and what makes me even more excited to now be 25 is that I can now rent a car without it be outrageously expensive and a huge hassle!! What kind of car should I rent....???
One other thing I'm grateful for is that despite almost killing my Bachelor Button plant over Thanksgiving, it is still alive and actually has THREE buds on it right now. Thank you Miracle Grow because I sure needed a miracle!
It's really okay that I'm not married right now. When I was a teenager, I always thought I wanted to be married by age 21. When I think about all that I've done, the people I've met and helped, the experiences I've had that have helped me to grow, I am actually grateful that I didn't get married then. I never wanted to have to lug kids around while going to school, so it's a great blessing I didn't have that worry while in college. I am better than the kind of woman I imagined I wanted to be and I know I can only get better from here. I have lots of goals and things I want to do and I feel like I'm living the dream. Life is exciting and interesting. I have so much I can do and am taking the steps I need to so I can accomplish those things. Of course, I want to get married and have my own family. Everyday as I work as a preschool teacher I wish that I had my own kids to do those activities with them. But, I don't, and it's okay. Everyday I'm learning new ways to work with kids and things to do with them that will make me one of the best moms in the whole world! You just wait for it! Right now I have no dating prospects, but I'm being the best me and I know I will meet some amazing guy who will love that.
I learned a few years ago that it's important to have a Plan B, with Plan A being getting married and having a family. Currently I'm living Plan B and I love life and am excited about the future. I'm basically doing three things: Improving my relationship with my Heavenly Father, Getting all the education I can, and Putting myself in the position to meet my future companion. Of course I have specific things in each of these areas that I am working on that are way too personal and lengthy to put onto a blog.
I guess my point of writing all this is to say, "Yeah, I'm 25! So what?" Although, when someone does ask my age, it will be kind of fun to say things like, "It's a multiple of 5," or some really outrageous age that you know isn't right. Once I'm 30 I think I will truly lie about my age... maybe.
My birthday was great! It's kind of funny that I felt like I'd never had one before just because of how special I felt. My roommate Savannah made a really yummy ham dinner for me. My brother Kevin gave me a dozen roses, but not just any roses, FIRECRACKER roses. They are my favorite. So between dinner and presents/dessert, we went to the outer darkness of the parking lot and lit half of them. I want to save some for later. :D At ward prayer, the whole ward sang happy birthday to me accompanied by Matt Pace who plays the song in a really fun way. I was really looking forward to that part of my day, actually. After ward prayer, I invited friends over to play the game called Curses. It's a lot of fun. Overall, my day was amazing. It was even better when people guessed my age and thought I was 21 or 22. I'm I immature or do I just look young? Maybe both at times. :D
Oh, and what makes me even more excited to now be 25 is that I can now rent a car without it be outrageously expensive and a huge hassle!! What kind of car should I rent....???
One other thing I'm grateful for is that despite almost killing my Bachelor Button plant over Thanksgiving, it is still alive and actually has THREE buds on it right now. Thank you Miracle Grow because I sure needed a miracle!
A dozen roses from my brother. :D |
Rose Firecracker! |
My best friends Savannah and Lynnae |
We have a Christmas tree in our apartment!! It's purrrtty! |
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Full of Thanks
I am very grateful that I got to go home for Thanksgiving and that my roommates could come with me.
I am grateful that my car's throttle cord broke the night before I left rather than while on the trip and that it got fixed for a lot less than it could have been and a lot sooner.
I am grateful that I beat the huge snow storm, although it didn't ever hit Provo, it kind of jumped over it.
I am grateful that my family has fun simply by playing games and visiting with each other. We don't have to schedule everything to have fun.
Along with that, I am grateful that I have "dates" with each of my siblings and my dad. Some aren't set in stone as to what we do, but I LOVE the one-on-one time with each of them.
I am grateful that I arranged for my siblings, roommates, and I to go to Club 33 at Disneyland. I had butternut squash bisque, Lamb, and a fancy apple cobbler. My taste buds were in heaven!!!
I am grateful for the jungle cruise ride at Disneyland and my brothers who like to say the punchlines before the cast member can. It definitely drives some of them nuts! INDEED!!
I am grateful that my little bro Ryan served an honorable full-time mission for the church and that he is home now.
I am grateful that I was there to hear Ryan speak in church and talk about the really great missionary experiences he had and the things he learned. He has matured so much and I love him all the more!
I am grateful for Kelly Rummy and that even a rabbit named Jackie Chan likes to play it.
I am grateful for my nephew Tyler Kelly. One of my favorite moments this week was when Amanda, Ryan, and I locked his arms and legs down so we could tickle him. We tricked him to say "go" after he told us to "stop" so we could keep tickling him. The best part was when Amanda trapped him in her arms and he said, "I love you Amanda" to be released, then in turn, Ryan and I did the same thing so he would say "I love you Ryan," "I love you Michelle." We did it repeatedly around and around until at one point when Amanda had him trapped again, he started to say "I love you..." but he had to look up to see who was holding him before he could say, "I love you Amanda." It was the funniest thing ever.
I am grateful that my car could get fixed after the check engine light went on half way to CA. As a result, it runs so much better than it did before. It really needed a tune up!
I am grateful that on our return trip, we didn't slide off the road or flip over like some other cars we saw.
I am grateful that my amaryllis flowers didn't die and that I might be able to save my bachelor button flower. :D That's what I get for leaving it for a week without watering it.
I am grateful for Brian Jackson's homemade eggnog.
I am grateful that I got to set up my Christmas village this year because normally I'm not home to do it. My roommate Stephanie helped and so did my roommate Lynnae's little bro Brian.
I am grateful Ryan continued the tradition of putting random toys in my village and making up stories for them. It makes me happy.
Oh, and best of all... I'm grateful that Steven doesn't do drugs, although, he was pretty funny on Thanksgiving day on codine.
Alright, so here are some pictures that I am sure you are dying to see.
I am grateful that my car's throttle cord broke the night before I left rather than while on the trip and that it got fixed for a lot less than it could have been and a lot sooner.
I am grateful that I beat the huge snow storm, although it didn't ever hit Provo, it kind of jumped over it.
I am grateful that my family has fun simply by playing games and visiting with each other. We don't have to schedule everything to have fun.
Along with that, I am grateful that I have "dates" with each of my siblings and my dad. Some aren't set in stone as to what we do, but I LOVE the one-on-one time with each of them.
I am grateful that I arranged for my siblings, roommates, and I to go to Club 33 at Disneyland. I had butternut squash bisque, Lamb, and a fancy apple cobbler. My taste buds were in heaven!!!
I am grateful for the jungle cruise ride at Disneyland and my brothers who like to say the punchlines before the cast member can. It definitely drives some of them nuts! INDEED!!
I am grateful that my little bro Ryan served an honorable full-time mission for the church and that he is home now.
I am grateful that I was there to hear Ryan speak in church and talk about the really great missionary experiences he had and the things he learned. He has matured so much and I love him all the more!
I am grateful for Kelly Rummy and that even a rabbit named Jackie Chan likes to play it.
I am grateful for my nephew Tyler Kelly. One of my favorite moments this week was when Amanda, Ryan, and I locked his arms and legs down so we could tickle him. We tricked him to say "go" after he told us to "stop" so we could keep tickling him. The best part was when Amanda trapped him in her arms and he said, "I love you Amanda" to be released, then in turn, Ryan and I did the same thing so he would say "I love you Ryan," "I love you Michelle." We did it repeatedly around and around until at one point when Amanda had him trapped again, he started to say "I love you..." but he had to look up to see who was holding him before he could say, "I love you Amanda." It was the funniest thing ever.
I am grateful that my car could get fixed after the check engine light went on half way to CA. As a result, it runs so much better than it did before. It really needed a tune up!
I am grateful that on our return trip, we didn't slide off the road or flip over like some other cars we saw.
I am grateful that my amaryllis flowers didn't die and that I might be able to save my bachelor button flower. :D That's what I get for leaving it for a week without watering it.
I am grateful for Brian Jackson's homemade eggnog.
I am grateful that I got to set up my Christmas village this year because normally I'm not home to do it. My roommate Stephanie helped and so did my roommate Lynnae's little bro Brian.
I am grateful Ryan continued the tradition of putting random toys in my village and making up stories for them. It makes me happy.
Oh, and best of all... I'm grateful that Steven doesn't do drugs, although, he was pretty funny on Thanksgiving day on codine.
Alright, so here are some pictures that I am sure you are dying to see.
Amanda and I |
My roommates: Lynnae, Stephanie, Savannah, and Me |
Ryan and I... and Yoda. |
Ryan, Amanda, Me, and Steven in line for Tower of Terror |
Jungle Cruise with my brothers... the best! |
Everyone who went to Club 33! |
My Siblings and I at Club 33 thanks to my uncle LR! |
Butternut squash bisque. It's like a thick soup that tastes like pumpkin. Appetizer at Club 33 |
Lamb... Mmmmm My Entree at Club 33. |
My dessert at Club 33, a fancy apple cobbler. |
Amanda and Emily |
My Christmas village |
Ryan said this was a thief breaking into a house through the chimney and a cop catching him. |
Jackie Chan playing Rummy. |
HP 7
Yes, Yes... I know that this was a while ago, but here it is. I went to the 12:15 AM showing of the new Harry Potter movie. It was AWESOME. I dressed up as Jenny using my Gryffindor stuff and my friend Crystal dressed up as Belatrix. We had a lot of fun. I am happy to say I had the most legit gear with my scarf and my two wands. One of my wand actually glows at the end of it. Way cool. Yes, I love Harry Potter.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Friday Fun with Grandma
With everyone being so busy, it ended up that no one was able to come to the planned game night at my grandma's house. I still went to visit her and had a really fun time. She really cheered me up. I had a blast talking to Ryan on video chat and can't wait to see him next week! After talking to Ryan, my grandma and I had some fun and here are the results:
They sure got some good moves, don't they?!
They sure got some good moves, don't they?!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Business Opportunity
Last week I showed a few of my co-workers the two Oscar movies I edited for my ward Oscars Night. Right after I showed them, one of my co-workers (Jessica) talked to a neighboring classroom's teacher (Brenda) who is getting married next month and mentioned that she should ask me if I make wedding videos because that is something she (Jessica) really appreciated when she got married. Little did they know that I actually have experience making slide shows and that I have already made one wedding slide show for my brother Kevin.
They called me into the room so Brenda could ask me and I told her I would love to do it for her! She asked for a price... Um, what can you afford...?? In her case, she is working on a small budget, so I'm not too worried about what she will pay me. I almost said don't worry about it, but something inside me said that I need to allow myself to be paid for this.
Then today Brenda told me that she talked to her best friend and current wedding planner (Fae) about me doing Brenda's wedding slideshow/video. Fae was very interested about this because her daughter is getting married next month as well, so she wanted to talk to me about possibly doing her daughter's wedding video as well! I went to talk to her today and afterward I talked to my co-workers and I decided that if I am going to do this, I need to set up prices, etc to tell people.
So, I just finished doing that. I know that there are businesses that charge an arm and a leg for making wedding slide shows and videos, but I don't like that. I just want to help people preserve memories of a special relationship and occasion without adding too much to the crazy wedding expensiveness. I'm not sure how big I want this to be yet, but it is definitely something fun I can do to get a little extra money. So, for now, it my business will just have to be spread by word of mouth.
Ironically, my roommate Savannah is thinking of starting a business to take engagement and wedding pictures for not too much. Maybe we can work together. :D
They called me into the room so Brenda could ask me and I told her I would love to do it for her! She asked for a price... Um, what can you afford...?? In her case, she is working on a small budget, so I'm not too worried about what she will pay me. I almost said don't worry about it, but something inside me said that I need to allow myself to be paid for this.
Then today Brenda told me that she talked to her best friend and current wedding planner (Fae) about me doing Brenda's wedding slideshow/video. Fae was very interested about this because her daughter is getting married next month as well, so she wanted to talk to me about possibly doing her daughter's wedding video as well! I went to talk to her today and afterward I talked to my co-workers and I decided that if I am going to do this, I need to set up prices, etc to tell people.
So, I just finished doing that. I know that there are businesses that charge an arm and a leg for making wedding slide shows and videos, but I don't like that. I just want to help people preserve memories of a special relationship and occasion without adding too much to the crazy wedding expensiveness. I'm not sure how big I want this to be yet, but it is definitely something fun I can do to get a little extra money. So, for now, it my business will just have to be spread by word of mouth.
Ironically, my roommate Savannah is thinking of starting a business to take engagement and wedding pictures for not too much. Maybe we can work together. :D
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Ward Oscars Night 2010
Ward Oscars Night was awesome! It was really nice not being in charge of it for the first time in two years. This was the fourth annual Oscars and once again the movies were above par. We watched all 10 movies (5-9 minutes long each) and then as FHE groups we voted. My FHE group's movie, "FHE with Martha Perez" or "Star Wars" won Best Sound. Mostly that is for best sound effects, because they WERE pretty epic. All the movies were really really good this year, so it was hard to choose the best movie. I can't wait to have a copy of all the movies to show my family. After the movie screenings, we had a dance.
Here are some pictures from the night. Multiple people asked if I went some place to get my hair done... nope, it was all me. I am just that awesome. :D
Here are some pictures from the night. Multiple people asked if I went some place to get my hair done... nope, it was all me. I am just that awesome. :D
![]() |
A red carpet experience and a lady in red! |
Some of my FHE group that was involved in making the movie. |
I love these girls! |
![]() |
Yay for Oscars Night! At the bottom of the sign are the different trophies that people got for their awards. Yes, they came from DI. |
I saw the grapes and I just had to take this picture. Good thing my friend Noah is a good sport. :D |
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Movies, Flowers, and Teddybears
I was up until 3 AM this morning working on two movies that I edited for my ward's Oscars Night this coming Friday. I am super excited for Oscars! I am positive that my FHE group's movie will win something. As for the other movie I edited, it's cool. I had fun editing it because I got to try some new effects that I've never done before. It definitely could win something, too, although my favorite is still my group's video.
This is the first ward Oscars where I am not in charge or doing something to collect the movies or make the DVD for the night. I was in charge of the night for the last two years. I finished editing the movies this morning before work. My FHE group already had a pre-screening of our movie on Monday and the other group will see their's tomorrow night. I love seeing the reactions of people to the movies/slideshows I make, so I'm excited to go to the pre-screening even if it isn't my group's movie.
Today I received my Amaryllis flower planting kit in the mail. I was super excited to plant it because it is such a beautiful flower. A couple minutes after planting it, I got knock-knock ditched. When I opened the door, I saw on the porch a bag with my name on it. I had no idea what it was, but when I opened it, I saw another Amaryllis flower planting kit!!! I thought it was ironic to get it right after I planted the one I ordered online. I know who gave it to me because the only person I talked to about wanting that was a girl in my ward who is really into gardening. It was really nice of her to buy it for me. It definitely made my day.
The other thing that made me smile today was the boy who really loved my teddy bear when I brought it to class the other day. Almost all day, he asked the teacher where "baby bear" was and he kept looking for it all over the classroom. I tried telling him it was at my house, but he only understands Portuguese. :D Fortunately for him, this week at school we are talking about bears and tomorrow we are having a teddy bear picnic and I will bring "baby bear" or Belle back to school.
This is the first ward Oscars where I am not in charge or doing something to collect the movies or make the DVD for the night. I was in charge of the night for the last two years. I finished editing the movies this morning before work. My FHE group already had a pre-screening of our movie on Monday and the other group will see their's tomorrow night. I love seeing the reactions of people to the movies/slideshows I make, so I'm excited to go to the pre-screening even if it isn't my group's movie.
Today I received my Amaryllis flower planting kit in the mail. I was super excited to plant it because it is such a beautiful flower. A couple minutes after planting it, I got knock-knock ditched. When I opened the door, I saw on the porch a bag with my name on it. I had no idea what it was, but when I opened it, I saw another Amaryllis flower planting kit!!! I thought it was ironic to get it right after I planted the one I ordered online. I know who gave it to me because the only person I talked to about wanting that was a girl in my ward who is really into gardening. It was really nice of her to buy it for me. It definitely made my day.
The other thing that made me smile today was the boy who really loved my teddy bear when I brought it to class the other day. Almost all day, he asked the teacher where "baby bear" was and he kept looking for it all over the classroom. I tried telling him it was at my house, but he only understands Portuguese. :D Fortunately for him, this week at school we are talking about bears and tomorrow we are having a teddy bear picnic and I will bring "baby bear" or Belle back to school.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Toy Story 3
Today at work (preschool) while I was washing some dishes after snack time, one of the kids came up to me with a sad/mad face. I asked him what was wrong and he said, "Toy Story." Okay... He then when on to describe in detail what happens in Toy Story 3. Fortunately, I finally watched it (twice now) so I knew what he was talking about. I was laughing (on the inside of course) because as he told me about it, he kept saying, "And then... and then... and then..." He was so accurate in describing what happened, even down to the movements the characters made and when they said what, that I knew exactly what scenes he was talking about. The funniest moment, which made this story blog worthy, was when he said, "And then Buzz talked in Espanol... and he moved his butt!" Wow. Buzz's Spanish mode and dancing is one of my favorite parts of the movie. This kid speaks both Spanish and English so it was really funny to me that he said it that way. He described the part where they change Buzz's mode to demo by saying that after the mean guys took something out of his back, he wasn't nice to his friends anymore. This whole thing made me realize how much kids really do get when they watch movies. When I told his mom about this, she said he's watched it about five times now... no wonder he has it memorized.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
I have been so full of gratitude and joy this past week that I can't begin to tell anyone how grateful I am that I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I know that it is the only true church on the earth. I know that because I have studied the scriptures and the words of its leaders and prayed about them for myself. The holy ghost has borne witness to my heart and mind that it is true. I know that this church is led by a living prophet, President Thomas S. Monson. I love him. He is the greatest example of Christlike service and love that I know of. I know that Joseph Smith, Jr. is a prophet and that through him, God restored the true church on the earth and restored God's power and authority once, the priesthood, once again.
I know that the Book of Mormon is true. It is another testament of Jesus Christ and confirms and expounds on those things we are taught from the Bible. I love reading it because I feel the spirit of peace and love and understanding of my eternal purpose as I do. It testifies of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and teaches plainly who I am, why I am here, and where I am going. If you haven't already read it, or if you don't already have a testimony of your own, read it and pray about it. God will let you know what you need to know.
I know that God hears and answers my prayers and that He knows and loves me personally. Everyday I am striving to improve my relationship with Him so that I can be more like Him. I know that a fullness of joy is only possible to have when I am obedient and striving my best to be like Christ through giving of myself to serve others.
I LOVE being a member of this church. There is so much about it that gives me great peace and happiness that I can't even begin to tell anyone. I think one of those things is that I know that my family and I can be together forever because of the temple. I also think it is because of the great support system I feel as I can go anywhere in the world and know that I can find people who believe and worship as I do and if I needed anything, they would help me. I have amazing friends and church leaders who help me and continue to teach me more about how to live and be more like the Savior. I am blessed with good health and many other things because I live the word of wisdom. I am also
blessed with many opportunities to serve and grow.
I know that I am a child of God and that He loves me.
I know that the Book of Mormon is true. It is another testament of Jesus Christ and confirms and expounds on those things we are taught from the Bible. I love reading it because I feel the spirit of peace and love and understanding of my eternal purpose as I do. It testifies of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and teaches plainly who I am, why I am here, and where I am going. If you haven't already read it, or if you don't already have a testimony of your own, read it and pray about it. God will let you know what you need to know.
I know that God hears and answers my prayers and that He knows and loves me personally. Everyday I am striving to improve my relationship with Him so that I can be more like Him. I know that a fullness of joy is only possible to have when I am obedient and striving my best to be like Christ through giving of myself to serve others.
I LOVE being a member of this church. There is so much about it that gives me great peace and happiness that I can't even begin to tell anyone. I think one of those things is that I know that my family and I can be together forever because of the temple. I also think it is because of the great support system I feel as I can go anywhere in the world and know that I can find people who believe and worship as I do and if I needed anything, they would help me. I have amazing friends and church leaders who help me and continue to teach me more about how to live and be more like the Savior. I am blessed with good health and many other things because I live the word of wisdom. I am also
blessed with many opportunities to serve and grow.
I know that I am a child of God and that He loves me.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
My Purrrty Flower
I can't tell you how excited and happy I felt today when I saw my flower blooming! And it's purple!! It is a bachelor button. I got the seeds and the pot from Sis. Parris who was in charge of family support during the Nauvoo Pageant this past summer. She wrote a note on the package of seeds that said that she hoped that it would remind me of Nauvoo and how much my testimony grew. It grew through that experience and it has continued to grow as I've tried my best to apply what I learned and to keep building my testimony. I am growing and blossoming just like this flower. The great thing is that there is definitely more to come. :D
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The stone in front of the flower pot and picture is the piece of the original Nauvoo temple that I got my friend while I was there staying with her. |
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Crazy Week
It was crazy week at my preschool this week, but it's also been a crazy exciting week for me. Here is all that I did:
I met the Backstreet Boys. |
I went shopping for a formal dress with these wonderful pseudo-roommates. I resisted the huge temptation to go over my budget to purchase the pink dress I loved so much. Instead, I got one that looks great and was a lot nicer on my wallet. You will have to wait until Oscars night to see it! |
I had a real Halloween with the Douglas family who I met while doing the Nauvoo Pageant this past summer. I went trick or treating with them. With Dawn, their mom, I watched the old movie Wait Until Dark, with Audrey Hepburn. Wow, that is a creepy and scary movie for being so old! I had a blast being with them. |
Handing out treats for kids. Easton was a monkey for Halloween and I was a cuddle/snuggle bug with monkey sock footed pajamas, a teddy bear in pajamas and a blanket. |
This is the right way to get to the goods after Halloween. |
Funny Story.
We had crazy hair day at school. On this day, I walked through another classroom to do something a couple times. The first time I walked in, all the kids in that class stared at me in amazement. This is kind of how the conversation went:
"What are you staring at?"
"Your hair!"
"What about my hair? What's wrong with my hair?! I brushed it this morning!"
"It's blue!"
"What?! No it isn't."
"Yes it is!"
I then put on a scared face and looked in the mirror above the sink and screamed when I saw that I really did have blue hair. They laughed and basically said I told you so and I just smiled and left. As I left they said I was a monster.
Later, I went back in and as soon as I opened the door, two girls saw me and started screaming. The teacher looked up wondering why the girls were screaming and as I walked by I said, "It's just me." As I went back to my classroom they were still pretending to be scared of me and said that I was a vampire. That by far was the funniest part.
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Hairy Dogs! Hot dogs with uncooked noodles stabbed through them and then boiled. |
Provo 7 PM Kids! Yay!! All dressed up for Halloween. |
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This kid LOVED my teddy bear. He only speaks Portuguese, but even since he's started, he's picked up on a lot of English and is doing so much better than he was. He took care of my teddy bear all day like it was a baby. It was the cutest thing ever. He even put his Iron Man mask on it. I also saw him kiss it. :D |
The Bachelor Button Flower I planted and have in my window is blooming!! |
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
I just ordered a starter kit to plant this flower. It's a Red Lion Amaryllis. This is one of my favorite flowers and I've been wanting to plant a bulb flower for a while now, so I just decided to go ahead and get it. I'm super excited! I planted some Bachelor Buttons a couple months ago and it surprisingly is growing really well. It even has a small bulb. I don't know if it will actually flower, but it's still exciting!
The other WOW for tonight was getting a phone call that threw me completely off guard. After getting some ice cream with friends I went back to my apartment. One of my guy friends who was there called me to ask me if we were just friends because that is what he wants it to be. He sensed the little bit of competition between me and another girl and he wanted to make sure we were on the same page. First of all, WOW because yes, there was a little bit of competition, but it wasn't that bad. At least it wasn't nearly as competitive feeling as other situations I've been in. I really wasn't trying very hard or feeling that bad about it. It just WOWs me that he picked up on it and that he would call me to ask me about it right away. I guess it just confirms to me that people, particularly guys, can read me like a book. That is a little scary, and a little embarrassing, but I'm trying to get over that and be more open to everyone, particularly guys. If they can read me like a book anyway, it doesn't really matter, right?
Lucky for me, I am interested in more than one guy at this moment so having one guy want to be just friends isn't really a big deal. I'm still just WOWed by what happened tonight because it was so unexpected.
The good news is that someday a guy that reads my open book won't want to put it down. :D
The other WOW for tonight was getting a phone call that threw me completely off guard. After getting some ice cream with friends I went back to my apartment. One of my guy friends who was there called me to ask me if we were just friends because that is what he wants it to be. He sensed the little bit of competition between me and another girl and he wanted to make sure we were on the same page. First of all, WOW because yes, there was a little bit of competition, but it wasn't that bad. At least it wasn't nearly as competitive feeling as other situations I've been in. I really wasn't trying very hard or feeling that bad about it. It just WOWs me that he picked up on it and that he would call me to ask me about it right away. I guess it just confirms to me that people, particularly guys, can read me like a book. That is a little scary, and a little embarrassing, but I'm trying to get over that and be more open to everyone, particularly guys. If they can read me like a book anyway, it doesn't really matter, right?
Lucky for me, I am interested in more than one guy at this moment so having one guy want to be just friends isn't really a big deal. I'm still just WOWed by what happened tonight because it was so unexpected.
The good news is that someday a guy that reads my open book won't want to put it down. :D
Friday, October 22, 2010
I went on the most awesome group date tonight... and there were sparks! Before you get too excited about that, you have to know what happened. I'm sure you'll be jealous. :) My friend Kunkee works in the Erying Science building on campus and has connections that allowed us to have a huge group date to tour the building and see some pretty awesome stuff. My date was in my ward and was set up by my roommate Savannah.
Because I need to go to bed, I will give the highlights of the date. We went to the anachoric and reverberation chambers. Anachoric is a room where all sound is absorbed, so there are no echos. The reverberation chamber is where everything echos. We sang a barbershop tag in each of the rooms and it was really cool.
I thought that was cool, but it got ever cooler. We were then shown a bunch of tricks that you get to see sometimes in physical science class, but we got it all in one show! Rubbing metal pipe to make a pitch, vibrating salt on metal thing that made different shapes depending on how it vibrated, everyone being shocked by a battery, a static ball where Savannah's hair shot up... oh man, it was awesome. But the best thing of all was throwing lightening and seeking sparks. Sorry to disappoint some of you, but this was way too cool.
Savannah had a wand thing that lit up showing how much electricity was going between her and the static ball. The man who gave us the tour then had her wave her hand a little and send the electricity to someone standing a inch or so away. You could hear and it see it (when the lights were off). It was definitely something the Nefarious Lady Death Moon would be seen doing, so it was awesome. The best part was when we all held hands in a line and Savannah touched the first guy's (James') hand. We did it with the lights off and we saw a huge spark but at same moment we felt an almost painful shock go through us. It was so very cool. We recorded that shock and you can hear our reactions to it.
So, yes, there were sparks on my date, just not the kind you were thinking or hoping. :)
Oh, and just kidding. The best part of this date was definitely the liquid nitrogen raspberry ice cream. It is the best ice cream in the world. Yes, you can get some at SubZero, but it just isn't quite the same to me. I'd had it once before in an English class at BYU, so I was super excited and delighted to have some again.
Because I need to go to bed, I will give the highlights of the date. We went to the anachoric and reverberation chambers. Anachoric is a room where all sound is absorbed, so there are no echos. The reverberation chamber is where everything echos. We sang a barbershop tag in each of the rooms and it was really cool.
I thought that was cool, but it got ever cooler. We were then shown a bunch of tricks that you get to see sometimes in physical science class, but we got it all in one show! Rubbing metal pipe to make a pitch, vibrating salt on metal thing that made different shapes depending on how it vibrated, everyone being shocked by a battery, a static ball where Savannah's hair shot up... oh man, it was awesome. But the best thing of all was throwing lightening and seeking sparks. Sorry to disappoint some of you, but this was way too cool.
Savannah had a wand thing that lit up showing how much electricity was going between her and the static ball. The man who gave us the tour then had her wave her hand a little and send the electricity to someone standing a inch or so away. You could hear and it see it (when the lights were off). It was definitely something the Nefarious Lady Death Moon would be seen doing, so it was awesome. The best part was when we all held hands in a line and Savannah touched the first guy's (James') hand. We did it with the lights off and we saw a huge spark but at same moment we felt an almost painful shock go through us. It was so very cool. We recorded that shock and you can hear our reactions to it.
So, yes, there were sparks on my date, just not the kind you were thinking or hoping. :)
Oh, and just kidding. The best part of this date was definitely the liquid nitrogen raspberry ice cream. It is the best ice cream in the world. Yes, you can get some at SubZero, but it just isn't quite the same to me. I'd had it once before in an English class at BYU, so I was super excited and delighted to have some again.
In the anachoric chamber
The Spark
Making the liquid nitrogen ice cream. YUMMMY! |
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Unexpected Awesomeness
I am grateful for a teddy bear whose sole purpose is to be zapped in the microwave and then cuddled with. A part of me is repulsed to see a cute teddy bear put into a microwave, but another part of me is the one inclined to put this teddy bear into the torture chamber and see how it works. I might just be cuddling with that bear at this moment. I hope he's forgiven me.... I collect teddy bears, so this one is officially added to my b-day/Christmas list.
I am also grateful for preschoolers. Life is so simple to them.... Today I showed my preschoolers pictures of my family and my "family" of my roommates and one of the girls said, "You're married to a Tongan?!" She happens to be Togan, so this news excited her. I replied that I wasn't married, then she said matter-of-factly, "You're going to marry a Tongan!!" Good to know.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Epic Epicness
My roommate Stephanie made this today when she was bored. She's doing one for all of the roommates and some guy friends. I thought it was epic enough to share. Click on the picture to see the whole thing.
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